Our Goal is Uniqueness.
We step up to give brands an identity. Unmistakable, with their own personality, character and voice.

On the way to the core of the brand.
In order to achieve uniqueness, we get to the core of the brand – long before the first thought of a logo, an image or a claim. We want to get to know the people behind the brand. We want to learn where the brand comes from and what makes it special. To build an emotional bond with it. We want to understand yesterday and today and work together on tomorrow. We want to know why it exists and what it can give to its users.
For us, this is strategic brand work: We talk about the people first and then about the tools. That sets us apart from other agencies. It is our DNA.
Fokus Marke
in three steps.
1. Understand
In joint strategy workshops, we dive into your brand and environment. We examine markets, target groups and competitors. We learn about your company's medium and long-term goals. Together, we will specify the task.
2. Design
Phase 1 provides the “why” – now the “how” emerges. We develop and design initial concept and design approaches. Our aim is to inspire you. To create meaning. To powerfully support you in your goals.
3. Implement
In phase 3, we implement your communication solution. Who gets to see, hear and experience them first is your team, your employees. During implementation, we work in accordance with our Dialog-Model: Digital and analog. In continuous, close coordination with you and your management team.

The importance of digital media is great and will continue to grow. It's good to be familiar with it. Many Kumpels at Bergwerk are digital natives, so we know the entire keyboard.
We love topics such as grammar, haptics and editorial design. Analog media will always be important and will be part of a successful brand presence. Our analog know-how is based on decades of experience.
Media enables the exchange of information between sender and recipient. We use them to convey compelling brand messages. This works best when we combine digital and analog media and make the best possible use of their respective strengths.