FM: Ulli, you call yourself a brand lover. What do you mean by that?
UB: For me, a brand primarily represents one thing: love! I don't just mean love for the product itself, but also appreciation for the people who are associated with it. That is the manufacturer as well as the user. That's why I feel like a brand lover myself – in the truest sense of the word. Not only in my role in Bergwerk – a great brand of which I am very proud, by the way – but in all areas of everyday life, I enjoy lovingly and well-made products. I also appreciate craftmanship.
FM: Are you differentiating between corporate and product brands?
UB: This difference is important and has great significance for our work. But in essence, it works.
It is always about whether a brand really fulfills its promise and the expectations that it triggers.
FM: How does a product become a brand?
UB: The difference that makes a product or service a brand lies in the details: For me, it is courage and trust in an idea, in a vision – and in people with their skills and enthusiasm that make a brand shine in the first place.
FM: So it is the people who make up a brand.
UB: Definitely for me. The journey from product to brand requires a considerable investment. I don't just mean the financial advance payment, but also the company's attitude towards all the people who develop and produce a product. The idea for a brand is based on appreciation for its users. You should not only use the product
Instead, experience and enjoy the attention to detail that has underpinned the entire development and production process with all your senses. In the end, the manufacturer's courage and trust flow back in the form of enthusiastic users when they become passionate brand lovers.
FM: Does a brand have to be expensive to be loved?
UB: Not at all. What counts is its character and message – in other words, what it stands for. When a brand meets customer expectations, that's wonderful. This is always and completely independent of the price. What counts is brand management that is consistently geared to target groups.
FM: How does your brand love show up in everyday life?
UB: I love nice things, good food, attentive hosts. I prefer products and services because of their quality, style, and reputation. What I appreciate about my favorite brands is that they give me the feeling and security of quality, reliability and innovation and that they match my values.
FM: Values that are also reflected at Bergwerk's brand work?
UB: Our brand work has a lot to do with brand love. We can only do our job because brands mean so much to us. It makes me proud that Bergwerk is highly appreciated due to our many years of work. It is great to see how we support our customers on their journey to becoming a brand with expertise and joy and accompanying them in order to achieve greater brand recognition and market success.
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